OUR OWN PRODUCTS: equipment to manufacture springs

Casing makers / Continuous coiling machines

These machines are used to manufacture :

Bra wire machines

SG : machines to manufacture single or twin armatures, separators using round, flat or shaped wires bare or PET coated.

ETL-R : bra wire end tipping machine using paint powder.

Second hand machines

TCHP i/e is supplying second hand spring coilers and wire formers. We also put customers in direct touch.

Specific tooling :

TCHP i/e is supplying the tooling (feed rolls, wire guides, coiling points, coiling arbors) for all spring machinery type Herckelbout, Herckelbout-Pernin, TCHP and most of the other brands. Tooling can also be made from samples or blue prints submitted by the customer.

Technical Assistance

TCHP i/e is providing the technical assistance for all spring machinery type Herckelbout, Herckelbout-Pernin and TCHP.